活動主題:FusionBookClubMeetingfor"Justkids"byPattiSmith 活動時間:12月12日周一19:00-21:00 活動地點:廈門思明區火車站世貿商城318AB蕓臺書舍 活動類型:聚會-外語 活動內容: 活動詳情
Fusion BookClub Meeting Annoucement:
December Book: "Just Kids" by Patti Smith
Time: 7:00-9:00PM, December 12th, Monday
Place: Yuntai Book House, Floor 4th, World Trade Shopping Center
Meeting MC: Nico Lau
Book Host: Mindy Zhou
Book Recommendation: Jenny Tang
Meeting Language: English
Please add the wechat(Jennytang7892) for more information about Fusion Meeting
"Just Kids" was won National Book Award" in 2010. It was a momoir about a longrunning rommantic love between Patti Smith and Robert Mapplethorpe. It's also a book about art and artists. The lyric writing brings us nostalgia to those simple times during 70s and 80s. Come and join us, let's go back to good old times:)
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