活動主題:沃倫·布朗:美德的科學:道德理論、實踐及其心理機制研究 活動時間:12月09日周五15:00-17:00 活動地點:廈門思明區廈門大學圖書館323區域研究資料中心 活動類型:講座 活動內容: 活動詳情
12月9日下午,文化講堂(277)沃倫·布朗( Warren Brown):The Science of Virtue: Studying Exemplars of Compassion(美德的科學: 道德理論、實踐及其心理機制研究)
標題:The Science of Virtue: Studying Exemplars of Compassion(美德的科學: 道德理論、實踐及其心理機制研究)
主講人:沃倫·布朗( Warren Brown)
Ph.D., University of Southern California (1971). Postdoc., Brain Research Institute, UCLA (1971-1973). 1982- Member of Brain Research Institute, UCLA 1985- Professor of Psychology, Graduate School of Psychology 1991- Director, The Travis Research Institute, Fuller Grad School of Psychology
Our primary questions focus on the nature of love, compassion, and care within the exemplars of these virtues. Our study includes approximately 50 members of the L’Arche community. These caregivers demonstrate compassion, care, and love over a long period of time and at significant personal cost. Researchers test the hypothesis that these virtues are based primarily in one’s habitual orientation to situations and persons, and are less influenced by calculations of likely benefits or obedience to moral rules. Additional related research will be done at Caltech involving studies of exemplars that emerge from laboratory behavior tasks. “中華文化與傳播大講壇”第十二場,主持人:徐大衛(中國科學院心理研究所)
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