Itinerario: a travel story
Emilie Hudig (The Netherlands)
Opening: Saturday November 26 at 5 PM
Duration: November 26 till December 10, 2016
Open: Tuesday to Saturday 13.00 – 17.30
Chinese European Art Center, 3rd Floor, Siming South Road 400, Xiamen
Tel/Fax: 0086 592 2180850 Mobile: 86 0 13695046247
Chinese European Art Center is pleased to announce Emilie Hudig
Itinerario: a travel story. This is the artist’s first solo-show in China.
During her artist in residence at the CEAC Emilie Hudig made a travel story. Inspired by a long tradition of travelogues and journals, which goes back to the 1600’s when the famous Dutch skipper Bontekoe wrote about his voyages to the South Chinese Sea.
Her approach follows the more literary genre of the ‘imaginary travel story’ of which Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe is perhaps the most famous. As a photographer with both a documentary and a poetic body of work Hudig is inspired by Defoe because he made ‘truth seems like fiction and fiction like truth’.
In her ‘imaginary travel story’ she is exploring the relationship between objectivity and subjectivity and the role of intuition and creativity in relationship to depicting reality.
The word itinerary comes from the latin, itinerarǐus, it means a sequence of various points on a trajectory, it doesn’t have a minimum or maximum length of time and includes places, stops and accidents that can be found along the route.
About her work she says: ‘I am especially interested in the ‘accidents’ along the route. I seek for the perfect accident, the perfect imperfection in my images. Magical and mysterious. For me, a metaphor for life. At least my life.’
Born in 1973, Rotterdam, Netherlands. She studied Cultural Anthropology and Media and Culture at Amsterdam University and documentary and portrait photography at the Photo academy in Amsterdam. In 2009 her book ‘Control| In Control’ was awarded the prestigious Zilveren Camera, photo story of the year. Hudig has exhibited in: FOAM3h, Museum van Loon, Les Rencontres d’Arles and received multiple grants from the Mondriaan Fund and the Amsterdam Fund for the Arts for different projects.
Itinerario: a travelstory.
On Monday
Maybe I can start my travel story, just as the famous Dutch skipper Bontekoe who sailed the South Chinese Sea in the 1600’s. ‘Journal of the memorable descriptions of the China journey of Emilie Dirks’ daughter Hudig of Rotterdam. Consisting of many miraculous things that she saw there and that happened to her’.
On Tuesday
I buy some old books in a bookstore. One is a copy of Gulliver’s Travels with letters so small that I can not read it. I look up the main theme. ‘Gulliver’s Travels is about modern alienation and an inbridual’s repeated failure to integrate into societies to which he does not belong’.
On Wednesday
I read in my notes that according to Dante, each journey is an inner journey.
On Thursday
I look up the meaning of Itinerario. It comes from the latin, itinerarǐus, and means ‘a sequence of various points on a trajectory, without a minimum or maximum length of time including places, stops and accidents that can be found along the route.’
On Friday
I tell myself: stop reading, buying and making journeys to your inner self! It is time to go and do the work!
On Saturday
I hit the road and meet a white shoe. For a while we walk along together.
On Sunday
I hear my neighbor playing on the piano, she sings along in Chinese and her beautiful voice resonates in our apartment. I don’t understand what she sings but it puts me at ease and makes me feel at home.
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