活動主題:11月14日英語讀書會Kick-offMeetingfor"TheFaultinOurStars" 活動時間:11月14日周一19:00-21:00 活動地點:廈門思明區火車站世貿商城318AB蕓臺書舍 活動類型:聚會-外語 活動內容: 活動詳情
November Book Kick-off Meeting Annoucement:
Time: 7pm-9pm, Monday, November 14th
To be confirmed for the second time
Place: Yuntai Book House, 3rd & 4th Floor,
World Trading Shopping Centre
Organizer: Nico Lau (who will send you E-book if you join in)
Book Host: Jenny Tang
Book Recommendation: William Lin
Fusion Reading Rules:
? English Only in the meeting
? Want to imporove English and social skills
? Book lovers or want to read books
Fusion Goal:
"To see the world at different angles"
"To find ourselves by Sharing books"
"To Improve English by Reading"
If you're interested, please talk to me(wechat:Jennytang7892)
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