

點擊數:1344 更新時間:2018-06-23 18:02:12 來源: 廈門生活、逛路島_逛鷺島-返回


TILT樂隊的核心是知名長笛演奏家Joce Mienniel,在演奏時他擅長將自己內心的情緒通過一種令人沉醉的音樂語言表達出來。近年來,Joce Mienniel在不同的音樂領域進行著大膽的嘗試,并試圖將電影畫面般的美學概念融入到長笛演奏之中。2016年,在享有法國爵士樂格萊美大獎盛譽的“Victoires du Jazz”中,Joce Mienniel受到“年度最佳新人獎”的提名。

Joce Mienniel is a unique flutist who is adept at sharing the emotions of his inner world in a hypnotic, electrfied voice. He had been trying to extend the exploration of instrumental music into more unknown fields, and try to construct a cinematic, pure and full aesthetic concept for several years now. Nominated to French jazz Grammy Awards Victoires du Jazz 2016 as Revelation of the year.

作為Joce Mienniel的新樂隊,TILT更像是Joce Mienniel內心的游樂場,從音樂中可以感知到他豐富的想象力以及細膩的感官世界。如果要用一種顏色來定義TILT的音樂,那一定是深邃而強烈的深藍色。樂隊中的四名成員從未停止在前衛搖滾、爵士、trip-hop等多種不同的音樂類型中汲取靈感,而唯一驅使他們不斷探索的動力則是一個共同的目標:在聲音的實驗中獲得洗禮。

TILT, Joce Mienniel's new band, is an ideal playground, unexpected and very personal, which reveals his inner imaginary, giving freedom to an expressive sensuality. If there had to be deep and intense night blue. With their unique paths and musical influences, the four musicians draw on inspirations such as progressive rock, jazz, trip-hop, while remaining driven by one and only goal: immersion in sound experimentations.

Joce Mienniel

同時,樂隊同名專輯《TILT》是一張精選集,其中包含了電影配樂、爵士樂、世界音樂和古典音樂等多種不同的音樂類型。Joce Mienniel認為,他的音樂就好像是一種對于單調的黑色光影的多重探索,通過這樣的探索將其變成萬花筒般絢爛多彩的藝術作品。而視覺影像和聲音之間的緊密聯系也是TILT最主要的特質。

TILT is Joce Mienniel's extensive album collection, a sensible mix of film scores and jazz, world music and classical. Joce Mienniel says his explorations of the various shades of black open his art to a kaleidoscope quality of the TILT project.

Joce Mienniel和樂隊中的其他成員都是非常優秀的音樂家,他們用屬于自己的方式將各自的樂器更好地融入到TILT的音樂中。鼓手Sébastien Brun的演奏方式強勁有力,如同地心引力般的敲擊節奏精準且震懾人心。吉他手Guillaume Magne演奏出的音色十分寬廣,Joce Mienniel的長笛同Guillaume彈奏的內容產生呼應,從而呈現出TILT音樂中遙遠且廣闊的感覺。Vincet Lafont在樂隊總負責彈奏電氣鋼琴,這使得TILT的聲音更具有質感以及畫面感。

Joce Mienniel surrounded himself with very singular musicians in their way of playing and approaching their instrument. Sébastien Brun is on the drums. Powerful, it releases at each impact a feeling of earthly gravity as its striking is precise and heavy. Guillaume Magne is on the guitar. His wide sound and worked around the feedback is an essential element that Joce Mienniel wanted to associate with his music to accentuate this sensation of distant extended landscape. Finally, Vincent Lafont is on Fender Rhodes, which works the sound texture and builds a real narrative plot.



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