《尋蹤高羅佩》 Onthe Track of Robert Van Gulik 高羅佩,世界最優秀的荷蘭作家之一,但在自己的國家卻不為人所熟悉。他生于1910年,是荷蘭職業外交官、漢學家、作家。他一生鐘愛中國文化,以廣博精深、獨辟蹊徑的漢學成就聞名于世。作為《大唐狄公案》的作者,高羅佩還對古琴、中國古代性學、長臂猿等有深入研究。影片展現了高羅佩在重慶生活時的眾多細節,并追溯了其傳奇的一生。 Robert van Gulik (1910-1967) is perhaps one of the world’smost read authors from the Netherlands.This diplomat, sinologist and scholar is mainly knownfor his detective novels starring Judge Dee.These books are in many respects projections of his own life,a dialogue between van Gulik and his fictional character.Filmmaker Rob Rombout follows in his footsteps to discoverthe author’s legacy in his diaries, the people he inspiredand the witnesses to his life.The film is a quest where the filmmaker takes us on a journeyin the author’s tracks. Reality and fantasy, past and presentwill flow into each other, at times imperceptibly.
導演羅伯·羅姆伯特簡介 ABOUT DIRECTOR ROB ROMBOUT 羅伯·羅姆伯特1953年出生于阿姆斯特丹,自1975年就在布魯塞爾工作生活,他是布魯塞爾電影與藝術學院盧卡藝術學院的老師,也是Doc-Nomads的聯合創始人和主管。他作為獨立電影制作者已逾30年。所有的影片都在電視和電影節上展映過。他也是里斯本的一名在職老師。他在巴西,中國,俄羅斯和法國舉辦過工作坊,而現在他正在葡萄牙準備一部充滿野心的電影拍攝。 Rob Rombout is an experienced independent documentarymaker. Besides teaching at filmschools in Belgium helectures at universities and filmschools all over the world, giving documentary workshops and seminars. He’s a memberof several film commissions in Belgium and is often chosen as a jury-member. Since 1985 he directed 17 documentariesand he’s developing several new projects. Travelling is the common thread in his documentaries. Several of his recentand earlier documentaries were awarded.
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