活動內(nèi)容: 活動詳情 5月8日,鋼琴音樂會,鋼琴家古曉梅,以及愛樂樂團首席單簧管、中提琴演奏家,晚上7:30,中華城后面新街禮拜堂,免費,英文為主,有翻譯。 7.30 pm, 8th May, 2016(mother's day), Piano Concert by Jennifer Ku at Xinjie Church, free of charge.
The chief oboe player Mr. Yin Kan and a viola player, both of whom are from Xiamen Philharmonic Orchestra, will be joining Dr. Jennifer Ku in the concert. All are welcome!
The language is English, which will be translated into Chinese by an interpreter. 這個活動的論壇 第一個在本活動的論壇里發(fā)言
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