Born in 2014, the 60Miles project was inspired by new rhythmical ideas that appeared these last years in Jazz from Eastern countries . The Trio’s repertoire consists of original compositions arranged by the band.
When you compose music your are not dependent on time, you can correct the scores and rewrite them until your are satisfied,
but the improvisation is a performance, a challenge because the musician has to produce something in real time. Playing live the own composition of the trio, questions the music initially played, participating to the emergence of new ideas.
The first album of the band is scheduled for spring 2015, but you can already listen to songs recorded August 2014. The Group was founded by pianist Nicolas Gerber, the bassist André Hahne and drummer Johan Wermeille. ? 本活動是由 逛鷺島 小編 通過網絡收集而來的廈門城市活動,廈門城市生活主題推薦。 您若也有需要分享的可以直接在我們網站上分享你的內容,讓大家都知道。 版權聲明,本活動信息隸屬網絡收集而來若有侵權請聯系我們,我們將及時清除信息。
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