活動主題:DDLPresent:比利時實驗組合LILLYJOEL2017年中國巡演 活動時間:06月29日周四20:30-23:30 活動地點:廈門湖里區蔡塘廣場背面萬佳國際酒店對面工業區10號A102號烏央烏泱樂舍 活動類型:音樂-小型現場 活動內容: 活動詳情
LILLY JOEL 組合由比利時才女 Lynn Cassiers 和鋼琴家 Jozef Dumoulin 組成,他們的首張專輯 ? What Lies In The Sea ?是倆人合作十年的成果。 ? What Lies In The Sea ? is the fruit of a ten-year collaboration between singer Lynn Cassiers and pianist Jozef Dumoulin, and is the first release for their duo Lilly Joel.
Both musicians are free spirits and true, much-lauded innovators in their respective fields. This recording marks a milestone on their path as a band and crystalizes amoment in a universe that was carefully shaped and daringly explored. The music is straight forward, fresh and original - the focus never being the attempt to be part of some distinct genre, but only to be honest towards one’s own place in a ever changing world. 這兩位音樂家均崇尚自由與真誠,在各自的領域都是卓有成就的創新者。這張專輯是他們在這個宇宙中仔細雕琢和大膽探索的里程碑式的記錄。他們的音樂是直接、新鮮、原始的表達和創新,從來不是試圖成為沒類風格音樂,而是在這萬變的世界里表達內心的那份真誠。
Lilly Joel started off as a more intimate version of Jozef’s underground neo-jazz band Lidlboj. At first there would be a repertoire of songs and some improvising during and in between these songs. But little by little, tempted by the surprising results and the vast possibilities, the improvisations became more prominent. This gave birth to the desire to expansively dig in their electronic language so it could stand as a more structural part of the music. So, since a while all the music is improvised, concentrating on a profound approach to soundscapes and on the architecture of instant composing. ‘What lies in the sea’ is a witness of that adventure, full of poetry yet daring and strong. Lilly JOEL 組合雛形是 Jozef 的地下 neo-jazz 樂隊 Lidlboj,剛開始是有些固定曲目并穿插著有些即興創作,慢慢地受到驚人的反饋和巨大可能性的誘惑,即興創作成分被放大。這也促使他們認真深入地挖掘其音樂中電聲部分作為整體作品更重要結構的可能性。從那以后,他們的音樂全部為即興創作,并在即時創作的框架內專注于營造豐滿的聲音景象。? What Lies In The Sea ?就是這場充滿詩意卻又大膽的冒險的見證。
There are reminiscences of experimental music, jazz, rock, electro, pop, traditional music and contemporary classical music, which is totally normal considered who’s at work here. Anyhow, all those influences are fully digested and serve as countless small bricks that are used to make a new big image, that stands on it own and can be watched as such. 他們吸收了實驗音樂、爵士、搖滾、電子樂、流行、傳統音樂和當代古典音樂,再以無數的音符創造出全新的音樂畫面。當你聽到他們的音樂時,如同在欣賞一幅具象的畫,你會無比享受。
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