活動主題:P.K14在2017的全國巡演廈門站 活動時間:06月16日周五20:30-22:00 活動地點:廈門思明區沙坡尾60號 活動類型:音樂-小型現場 活動內容: 活動詳情
時間 | 2017.06.16(周二) 票價 | pre.100 at door.150 入場 | 20:30 開始 地址 | 廈門市思明區沙坡尾60號(藝術西區內,近大學路) ADD:NO.60,ShapoweiRoad,Xiamen (within Western Arts District,near DaXue Road)
P.K.14,全稱為the Public Kingdom for Teens/青春公共王國。 音樂風格受新浪潮 / 后朋克的影響。 P.K.14樂隊成立于1997年的年末,樂隊的四位成員都有著南京地下朋克音樂圈的背景,并以此為基礎發展他們自己的音樂風格。1997年到1999年,P.K.14 樂隊已經成為當時南京最重要的樂隊之一,他們和當時的其他南京樂隊一起,將"超現實主義之城"的稱呼帶給了南京。 P.K.14在中國搖滾樂中所占據的位置也許和Talking Heads樂隊或者Television樂隊在70年代的紐約浪潮中的地位類似。P.K.14是屬于最具有思考深度和本質性的樂隊中的一支,對音樂懷有巨大的進取心,而對時尚毫不關心。P.K.14已經在中國以及海外進行過大量的演出,他們也曾經和許多著名的樂隊分享過同一個舞臺,包括The (International) Noise Conspiracy, These Are Powers, Ex-Models, 以及The Soundtrack of Our Lives等等。他們出現在眾多的文章,采訪以及評論中,他們的名字出現在中國,美國,德國,奧地利,法國,瑞典,挪威和澳大利亞的電視上,以及全世界大量的報紙和雜志里。
P.K.14 occupies a space in Chinese music that might be analogous to that of Talking Heads or Television in the New York of the 1970s. They are among the most thoughtful and self-referential of bands, with an enormous curiosity about music coupled with a complete inability to care about musical fashion. Among the astonishing group of young musicians that has emerged in Beijing over the last four years, they are almost unanimously cited as the band that has most influenced the young Beijing music scene. Although they are at the heart of the Beijing scene, at the same time they are wholly unique and seem to be traveling in their own space – one which consists of only one band. Founded in Nanjing in 1997, P.K.14 made their debut in December of that year. In May 1999, the band opened for Sweden’s The (International) Noise Conspiracy in Shanghai, and since become one of China’s most admired and influential bands. In 2001 with the release of their debut album, Shang Lou Jiu Wang Zuo Guai (Upstairs, Turn Left), on Sub Jam records, they quickly established themselves as one of the major bands in the Chinese indie scene.
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