活動主題:寂靜成歌聲,X.Z.Shao最新英文詩歌展示 活動時間:05月20日周六15:00-17:00 活動地點:廈門思明區廈門大學圖書館323區域研究資料中心 活動類型:講座-沙龍 活動內容: 活動詳情
5月20日下午,文化講堂(292)X. Z. Shao(肖興政):Silence in Songs, X. Z. Shao's Latest Poems 寂靜成歌聲,X. Z. Shao 最新英文詩歌展示
廈門大學圖書館“人文社科實驗室” “文化講堂”(292)
標題:Silence in Songs, X. Z. Shao's Latest Poems 寂靜成歌聲,X. Z. Shao 最新英文詩歌展示
主講人:X. Z. Shao(肖興政) X. Z. Shao (肖興政)is a bilingual poet of English and Chinese, teaches at the Department of English, Xiamen University, and has published some poems, prose writing and essays on English Today, a linguistic journal run by the Cambridge University Press, UK. A collection of his poems in Chinese and English was published by Hong Kong Milky Way Publishing House, and he is a translator of Gitanjiali by Indian poet Rabindranath Tagore. For him, poetry is a source of endless enjoyment.
內容: 講座語言:英文 This lecture will be done in English only. X. Z. Shao, a native Chinese and a bilingual poet, will show and read his latest poems written in English, most of them done in this spring, with some slightly earlier, all unpublished. He is passionate in keeping the torch of poetry burning in a place where it risks becoming increasingly irrelevant. He is ready to make like-minded friends home and abroad.
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