

點擊數:1549 更新時間:2017-04-29 14:11:29 來源: 廈門生活、逛路島_逛鷺島-返回

    習海瑞 (澳大利亞)
    開幕式: 2017 年 4 月 29日 周六下午五時
    展期:2017 年 4 月 29日至5月13日
    開館: 周二至周六 13:00 – 17: 30
    電話/傳真: +86(0) 592 2180850 / 手機: +86(0) 13695046247
    info@ceac99.org / www.ceac99.org


    Chinese European Art Center is pleased to announce Harrison See’s first international solo exhibition Tower of Modern.


    The artwork I have created in Xiamen is the continuation of the research I carried out last year in Shanghai. As there already existed a strong East/West dichotomy in both historical and contemporary literature, I intentionally made the aim of my 2016 project to discover similarities between Western and Chinese art. As the obvious brergence between these two contrasting aesthetics cannot be denied, it was through a focus on theme and narrative that I identified similarities.



    I examined selected paintings of two artists who lived and worked during the same period. The first was Shen Zhou (1427-1509) from Ming Dynasty China, and the second was Giovanni Bellini (ca. 1435-1516) of the Venetian Early-Renascence. By exploring their works I eventually observed mutual and recurring themes. Perhaps the most predominant of which, was the spiritual dynamic between man, heaven and earth. Although, Christianity (of the Renaissance) and Daoism (of the Ming Dynasty) have different ideas about the specifics of heaven, both strongly associate it with the sky and consider it the home of spiritually enlightened beings. As an extension of this idea, both artists also used mountains as a metaphorical bridge between earth and heaven. A place away from the corporal distractions of mankind, where lone figures could undergo deep contemplation or prayer. This mutuality is perhaps best illustrated when comparing Shen Zhou’s work ‘Poet on a Mountain top’ (ca. 1500), and Bellini’s painting ‘Saint Francis in Ecstasy’ (ca. 1476–78); where both artworks depict a lone robed figure housed within mountainous terrain and separated from distant urban environments. Each figure can be seen staring intensely towards the sky, while obviously disengaged from their physical surroundings. It was this cross-cultural narrative that became the foundation of my 2016 practice-led research, and has now also inspired my 2017 project at CEAC.

    我選取了兩位生活和工作在同一時期的藝術家的畫作進行了調查。第一位是中國明朝的沈周(1427-1509),第二位是文藝復興早期威尼斯的喬瓦尼 貝利尼(1435-1516)。通過探索他們的作品,我最終發現了反復出現的共同主題。也許其中最主要的就是天、地、人之間的精神動態。盡管,(文藝復興的)基督教和(明朝的)道教對于天的細節有著不同的觀念,兩者都將它與天空緊密相連,并且認為它是得道之人的所在。作為對這種思想的拓展,兩位藝術家利用山作為天地之間的隱喻性橋梁。這是一個遠離塵世干擾的地方,在那兒人們孑然一身,經歷著深度冥想或祈禱。在比較沈周作品“杖藜遠眺”(1500)以及貝利尼畫作“圣特雷莎的狂喜”時,可能這種共通能得到最好的闡釋;兩件作品都描繪了一個身著長袍的孤獨之人,他們深居山野,遠離塵囂。可以看到兩個人物都凝視著天空,顯然早已脫離了他們的周遭環境。這種跨文化的敘事是我2016以實踐為主導的研究的基礎,也是我2017中國歐洲藝術中心項目的靈感之源。


    During my flight to Xiamen I looked out the window and could not help but notice that through advances in modern technology I was soaring high above the clouds; a place that I had only just conclude was of sacred and spiritual significance in both Western and Chinese tradition. I then asked myself, am I trespassing into the homes of both Daoist and Christian immortals


    When asking myself this question something else quickly entered my thoughts. I remembered reading an ancient cautionary tale about the last time mankind utilised technology to reach the skies. The mythical “Tower of Babel” is a story that describes an ancient city that attempted to erect a tower high enough to reach the heavens. It is written that when God saw this structure he become displeased and confused the builder’s speech, turning one language into many. As the workers could no longer communicate the tower’s construction was eventually abandoned.



    With reference to the “Tower of Babel” this exhibition represents my further investigation into cross-cultural narratives. Using paint and sculpture I have illustrated and explored a primitive world of perpetual gathering and construction.



    Artist Bio:
    Harrison See (習海瑞) was born in 1990 in his hometown of Perth, Western Australia. He initially began his professional career as a designer, studying a BA degree majoring in Product and Furniture Design, graduating from Curtin University in 2010 with the ‘Industrial Design Award for Excellence’. However, after working in the manufacturing industry for several years he ultimately made the decision to shift his focus to visual arts. Harrison then went on to graduate from Edith Cowan University in 2015 with the ‘Louise Macfie Painting Award’, and the invitation to return the following year to carry out a special honours research project. In addition, Harrison was also awarded one of the prestigious ‘New Colombo Plan’ Scholarships by the Federal Government of Australia, which funded his research allowing him to live in Shanghai for six months while he explored Chinese painting. While studying Harrison See has been exhibiting his artworks in group shows, both within Australia and overseas, as well as having his first solo exhibition just before he left for Shanghai in 2016. He also recently completed his honours degree and was asked to publish his research paper online through his university. His creative practice is now motivated by the pursuit of narratives that can effectively cross cultural boundaries.

    習海瑞于1990年在西澳大利亞的城市珀斯出生。2010年畢業于澳大利亞科廷大學,獲得商品和家具設計專業學士學位,并被授予“工業設計卓越獎”,以設計師的身份開始了他的職業生涯。然而,在制造業領域工作了幾年之后,他最終決定把工作的重心轉移到視覺藝術領域。海瑞隨后于2015年畢業于伊迪絲科文大學,并被授予了“路易斯·麥菲繪畫獎”,同時被邀請加入下一年度的特別榮譽研究項目。此外,海瑞還獲得了著名的澳大利亞聯邦政府 “新科倫坡計劃”獎學金,資助他在中國上海為期六個月的中國畫研究開支。學習期間,他曾在澳大利亞以及海外地區的群展中展出自己的作品,并于2016年前往上海之前舉辦了他的第一次個人展覽。最近,他獲得了榮譽學位,并被該大學邀請在線發表他的研究論文。他創作實踐的動力主要源于能有效穿越文化障礙的敘事活動。

    本活動是由 逛鷺島 小編 通過網絡收集而來的廈門城市活動,廈門城市生活主題推薦。



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