活動主題:Nicetomeetyou 活動時間:2017年04月10日~2017年06月26日每天18:00-20:00 活動地點:廈門思明區廈門大學 活動類型:聚會-美食 活動內容: Nice To Meet You ! 《很高興見到你》
Every Sunday afternoon at 6pm,we will invite 10 strangers from different countries to enjoy various free food in different restaurants,and experience the charm of Chinese traditional food and culture.
we only invites 10 guests to join our dinner. If you and your friends want to come to "很高興見到你/Nice to meet you", please leave a message in our wechat.Thank you.
A lot of guests and the owner of restaurant often ask our team a question : what’s your purpose to hold such a food activities like this
中國是一個有著五千年悠久歷史的文明古國,同樣飲食文化也博大精深。隨著全球化的發展,國與國之間的交流日益頻繁,特別是當國外友人來到中國,他們渴望了解和體驗我們的獨特文化。而作為年輕一代的我們,有責任去發揚我們的文化。因此,我們希望建立一個平臺,讓來自不同地方的人,能夠通過中國傳統美食了解更多的中國文化。 同時,也可以讓來自不同地方的人聚在一起交流。
China is an ancient civilization country with a long history about 5000 years.Also,the food culture is well-established,broad and profound.With the development of globalization, culture communication between countries is becoming more and more frequently. As a young generation in China, we believes that we have responsibility to carry forward our culture.Therefore, we are building a platform for people from different places to learn more about Chinese culture through traditional Chinese food. At the same time, people from different places can communication together .
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